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Username:h.p.b., 39 years
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Online status:Offline, last seen 
I play mostly:Puzzle - played 1598 times
My homepage:evelynsav.wixsite.com/evelyn_savvinidou

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Profile for h.p.b.


So sick of being friendly
So sick of being nice
So sick of being thoughtful
You think i hate my kind

So sick of all the liars
So sick of all your words
So sick of all you cherish
You think i hate my kind

I fall down on my knees
And kiss your holy feet
You noble majesty
I end here in defeat
I beg you to forgive
I, son of a thief
Have to confess a sin
I stole the skin i'm in

So sick of explanations
So sick of revelations
So sick of your disease
You think i hate my kind

So sick of what i feel
So sick of compromises
So sick of how you look
You think i hate my kind

And life goes on

Diary Of Dreams: " Son Of A Thief " (116)
Sorry, bu i must say i like sebastian better than that scary looking guy... hugs and kisses, love Dannii :D
yaaaaaaaaaaay :D I made you trip and get a bruise.... good job meeeeeeee :D:D :p
I totally agree to what Dark says :D you are nuts guys :D:D but i kinda like you all :s :P:p
hmmm hmmm well I might just say you are a Gaun:A addicted which is fine since I am the -God-Adrian addicted :D
We just need a D.N.S addicted and a Troben/Taste addicted to complete the collection :O
NUTS huh???????????
hello scary girl.. awesome pic:p:p pffffffffffft
wow nice pics! lmao
Hello hun Geeeee I like those wings in your pic they almost look like mine, but just glow a lil more!!! and ewwwww noooo trout's for me hun!! Take Care juls xx
:D guess whoooo :P hugssssss love you hunni :P nice new profile :P see u sooooooon
and the stealing continues pffffffffft x) no more skulls for u missy x)X)X)X)
:O:O u stole my pic :O:O... I guess now we are even trelokoritso smartypants :P:P I can take all the emotes i want ha:P:P
oh no back to scarey ones trelokoritso :p xxxxxx
oh cmon where is something to scare me? :P still have found nothing hmmmm lol i keep waiting for the day lol ok am off to bed love ya hunni :D
niiiiiiiiiiice. <3 it hunni :D still waiting on your pics ;) lol gotta go to class :-s lol love yaaaaa :D :P
:D :D I love :D but where are your sweet pics of youuuuuuu x) lol love you :P

peterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr THE GOD THE FATHER THE ABSOLUTE MAN!



And finally pics that are not scary:O:O... Happy Birthday Trelokoritso :D luv ya xxxxx
:D Nice profile :P Maybe scary to others but it is you so :D Love ya!!
nice fangsssssssss rock on ozman out
Gia so:D...... OMG scary pics ya magnoona:S:S now skase trelokoritso or else pffft xxxxxxxx
Hey little sista!!
You wanted a guestbook entry from me......
well hmmmm I hope u happy I come back just to look at your profile lmao love u lol and yes i may be insane butttttt that's partly why you love me lol :P ah ok i better go to bed lol :P
Hey you, my muicalical loving friend. Love all the bands you have introduced me too. Hope we continue sharing music until we are too old to hear music lol.
hey hun u are a gd friend to me and happy new years hope everything in the year works out for u hun love scotty xxxxxxx
Hiya hun, its good to get to know you 2 hun, have a happy new year with all the best. hugs Dannii
don't worry u r no angel and never will be :P:P:P.... luv ya xxxxxxxxx
fine i Just clicked.. now what smarty pants x)X)X)
Hello ... Just dropping by to say I LOVE YOUUUUUUUU!!!!
ok my old gb entry was out to date.. so here a new one...
Well ty for the wonderfull card from Greece. Im so happy there were no white wabbits on it :D

Big hug and kiss from Tetovo and his handsome brother (son) Yari
aww your not going to read the peom I worked so hard on (umm I think like 2 minutes lmao) j/k hun I just stopped by to say Hi Back lol
very nice words.. depressing but true still confusing lol xxxx
Hey hunnie.. I am here lol.. luv ya and miss ya.. see ya soon hopefully tc xxxx
I looooooooove when you get ppl to have stomach issues!!!!!!

You are a real maestro to that!!! ;)
hey hun thanks for being the great friend you are to me (p) but dont ask me to play racing x) lol :P love ya hun, take care :D i will beat u sometime hmmm lol (p)
blah blah blah. and pfffffffft.
GREAT one! wat is it???
You Rockkkkkkkkk...... but only if we put away the spelling thing away lmaooo.
Hi hun :)
Love the cartoons :) Put a smile on my face hehe
/ /
( .).) Hi there ! :P
( ,__. )
> <
I love -H-I-M!!!
omg im not in your guestbook...
Good to see you here around hunni...

All the best
I've chosen you among a thousand faces Because you've got what I like You don't seem to come from here You seem to be so strange! You should be a dream...
HpB Been fun Playin with ya love the quotes specially the Marilyn 1z =))
You forgot Woody Allens' quote: "Last time I got in a woman it was a long time ago. And it was the Statue Of Liberty"
Hi, my name is Angel and I have a sepinllg porlebm. hehe, Love having you in my tourneys and getting to know you =) Thanks for all the laughs and keeping me awake sometimes lol =) Nice profile too! Take care hun.
H.P.B. you are so much fun when you play in my tourneys. Thank you for joining them :)
heyy hpbbbb =D i will leave u a poem to remember for the years to come...

Birds they fly....Fishes they swim
Ice is King..Bow down to him!

=) all the best for '07
The Exorcist stands in your house door?